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Payment Failed Solutions


We understand payments may fail under certain circumstances, so we collected several common failed reasons and solutions here as a reference. 

If your payment won’t process with your PayPal account or you’re still having problems with your card, try:

  • Make the purchase again in a browser that’s in Incognito mode, or in a different browser, or
  • Changing your payment method at checkout, or use a different credit card or PayPal account, or
  • If none of these issues apply, please contact us with your order number(if any), name and email address, error notification, and the screenshot of the error, we will check the details and assist you in continuing the order.

If you credit / debit card payment fails, please find the corresponding solution in the following content according to the prompt message.

  • For Whatever Reason or Just No Reason: Simply, pay again via PayPal. As PayPal accept almost all kinds of credit card as well as PayPal balance, bank account, PayPal Credit. At the same time, paying with PayPal gives you an extra level of security and fraud prevention.
  • Do Not Honour/High Risk/Fraud: It means declined by the card-issuing bank. You need to call your bank (Most of the time, they will call you first) to verify the transaction was processed by yourself, the cardholder, then pay again.
  • Duplicate: It means you have successfully paid for another order within 24 hours. The payment gateway is worried about repeated deductions so rejected this payment; if you need to process this payment, just try again via another payment metold.
  • Expired Card/Insufficient Funds/Over Credit Limit: You need to pay with a new card.
    Stolen or Lost Card
    The card-issuing bank marks the card as a lost card, and you need to pay with a new card.
  • Invalid Transaction: Currently, payment gateway supports Visa, Master, Diners Club & Discover (excepted American Express and JCB). Invalid transaction means that you used the other cards to pay, such as the cards that can only be used for refueling. You need to pay with a supported card.
  • CVV2 Failure/Invalid Card Number: Wrong billing info. You could check the billing info and pay again.
  • 24hr More Repeat/Canceled: It means your payment failed more than 3 payments within 24 hours, so our payment gateway rejected the payment. You could pay again with a new card or check correct billing info and pay after 24 hrs.

Last but not least, note that you should be able to receive detailed information for any failed or successful transaction from your bank. If a payment fails, do not hesitate to contact us via online chat or email at [email protected].

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  • One game per user